Monday, March 26, 2012

ape celop

back from watching ape celop.... the title is like the trend nowdays... so fuck shit... just a name to get audiens and money,... so no matter la if the content is like shit...

now the trend for malay film is so shit...
just look at the title of the movies now=

jidin sengal
jangan pandang pandang..
cinta kura kura

just three example here...
the title itself shows that the movies do not have the quality...
not layak for ditayangkan in cinema...
all of them only have one purpose... money...
why money pulak???
coz the pelakon die...

sume poster ade tayang pelakon2 die kan...
masalah nye the actor itself have its own fan...
so, the movie is sold by the actor...
not because of the quality...

once more is the influence of raja lawak...
it is true that lawak can sell...
but the lawak that is so common cannot be said lawak dah...
tp kalo lawak y dah berkurun org buat masih nk tayang toksoh lah...

eg?? watch adnan sempit... belajo men golf... then sekali pon pukul x kene... sampai 2 3 minit pukul x kene2... logik sikit r bro... kalo x reti men pon... jgan r tiru lawak ujang... seratus kali dah gua bace dalam majalah ujang lawak y same......

lawak lucah???
want to be western sangat ker??
x de idea sangat ke nk buat lawak other than lucah???
memang, bg org y otak kunig( sume melayu otak kuning pon) akan gelak...
but camon lah... x perlu lah wei... banyak lg kot lawak2 x lucah bro....

aktelly banyak lg pasal citer melayu y masalah...
dengan jalan cter hancurnye, scene y x perlu, scene y tetibe je...

tp one citer y terbaik.. wlupon bukan movie but its very good... everything is clear.. every problem settle .. every scene have kepentingan die... lakonan lg r.. mantap from beto khusairi..
>jujur aku dayus

tp nk cter pasai ape celop...
tp nk berak jap...

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