Monday, March 26, 2012

back to main point... ape celop

it is about percintaan gegurl with boboi..
wtafuck amik sebijik like maharaja lawak mega afdlin shauki with .......... (lupe its name)
first impression?? 0% kot...
but after watching their love is so sweet... romantik malay says...
i love boboi n gegurl in this series than afdlin and..............

their love is so simple, added by the lakonan y rilek, bersahaje both of them...
added with the parents of gegurl y semacaam hampeh....
its very good!!!!!!!!
menjadik wa cakap lu... muke selenge boboi ngan cute bangang y dilakon kn dorg menjadik gler..
sangat comell...

thats the good,
the badas is Aman( kalo betol la name die ni, rase2 jek)...
from first time i saw him act i dont like him... but not as much as syafie naswip..
although i dont like him before..
after saw he act in this series... all my bad impression is fall in the hill...
he is very good... although some part still not perfect, but i become like him...

one scene td, i still dont get it when the ntah sape name puang tu...
pelok kaki si Aman tu... then die buat muke mcm puas... cam sial..
ape sebab nk wat muke gitu r sial... siap kameramen zoom lg tu kt muke die dekat seminit...

despite negative... like i said before, it is a good story...
it think it have its own quality... not like the movie2 malay that like a shit...
althoug its name is bangang like the others, its content is not sebangang others...


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