Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Masa itu orang kata emas,
Maknanya, ia sangat berharga,
Masa yang berlalu,
Takkan kembali,
Masa yang lalu,
Menjadi sejarah,
Kecuaian, Kelalaian, Kegunaan,
Telah terjadi,
Itulah yang terjadi.

Masa itu orang kata emas,
Jangan dicuba untuk diulang,
Jangan dicuba untuk dipatahkan,
Takkan kau berjaya,
Mengalahkan masa.

Masa magrib IM2

Lab Instrumentation- 27 november 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Perjalanan Muhammad Hamzah

    Pada suatu hari, Muhammad Hamzah pergi ke sekolah. Tiba-tiba, beliau terjumpa sebiji bola. Bola itu sudah lusuh, kotor. Dia mengambil bola itu, dibawanya ke pili air ditepi jalan. Dibasuhnya sehingga elok, bersih, berkilat. Lusuhnya masih ada. Kemudian, dia meletakkan bola itu semula di tempat asalnya. Beliau pun meneruskan perjalanan ke sekolah.
     Baru sahaja lima langkah beredar, Muhammad Hamzah terlihat seorang wanita tua mahu melintas jalan. Dilihatnya wanita itu; bertongkat, terbongkok-bongkok. Benar, memang perlahan wanita itu berjalan, sambil memandang kekiri- kekanan mahu melintas. Jalan itu jalan tanah merah. Seingat Muhammad Hamzah, sebulan sekali pun susah kereta melalui jalan itu. Motorsikal ada juga sekali dua melintas dalam seminggu. Dilihat semula wanita tua itu, wanita itu sudah berada di seberang jalan. Tanpa berlengah, Muhammad Hamzah meneruskan perjalanan ke sekolah, membiarkan wanita tua itu dengan perjalanannya sendiri.

     Bukan jauh sekolah Muhammad Hamzah. Dari awal lagi sudah terlihat dari rumah beliau. Dia memandang ke sekolahnya. Tinggi. 4 tingkat. Berasa bangga benar dia dengan sekolahnya; besar, cantik, dan lagi penting pencapaian UPSR nya yang boleh dibanggakan- no 2 dalam daerah. Benar-benar bangga Muhammad Hamzah. Diteruskan perjalanan ke tempat kebanggaannya itu, tempat yang bakal membawanya kepada perjalanan hidup. Perjalanan; sukar atau senang, baik atau jahat, kaya atau miskin.

      Tanpa disedari, tibalah Muhammad Hamzah di depan pintu pagar. Tutup. Dilihatnya jam ditangannya; 9:31 pagi. Muhammad Hamzah pun memulakan satu perjalanan yang baru, pulang kerumah.

Jalan Maran

Kelas Instrumentation- 27 November 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

Your Life is Yours

Life is very short, Everyday, People die, Young or old, No excuses.

Someone said, 'life is only once', The reality is we will live twice, Here and hereafter, The best is life happily both life, The second best is life happily in hereafter, The third best is none. Choose.

Life. Every living person are still living. Poor, Rich, Medium. What is life itself? Wordweb said that the fifth meaning of life is "The period during which something is functional (as between birth and death)".

Are we living? Are we Functioning? Are we zombie? What is the indicator that we are living? Nah.. The answer is- Yes, we are living. Yes, we are still functioning. Yes, our eyes still open, our ear still hear, our nose still can breath, our heart is still dapping.

Yeah!!!!! We live. What for? Why we still alive? If we are alive, why we need to die?

Nah... Another answer for u-
DON'T Questioning too much! It is Allah. Easy simple.
1- We live for Allah.
2- Because of Allah.
3- Die because of Allah.
I am no ustaz or watheber, but it is common sense. As i am no ustaz, no more than this I can write.

Yeah!!!!! We live. What for? Why we still alive? If we are alive, why we need to die?

Nah... Another answer for u-
1-We live for others, other need us, we help others- thus, this human- human interaction will cause the improvement in the our life- let alone the world will become a better place if every human is carrying this philosophy. There will no thief- to be cut off his hand, there will be no zina, rape, buang bayi, corruption, dictatorship, rasuah and others.
2. Because other still needs me. To make a wonderful world, each and every people needs to contribute. Thats why alive is essential. The more people is the best. If you wanna break one pencil, it is easy. But u can try break 20 pencil at the same time. Never can.
3. As explained earlier. Human-human interaction lead to a very nice equation. If one of the people is not in the equation, they simply interruptor. That's to make sure the stability will be achieved, they will died.

Wait te minute! Face the reality!! Humans is different. Their philosophical thinking will never be the same. These type of people really is pathetic. Never live their life for themselves. Life is not as simple as that!!

Yeah!!!!! We live. What for? Why we still alive? If we are alive, why we need to die?

1- We live for ourselves, for our future. Why wanna bother other people if ourselves is bad? We want to make sure others look at us. Hardwork for our better life in future. Our life is ours. We wanna be rich? - we can. We wanna be champion?- we can.
2- To accomplish our goal. Get what we want, want here is not only in the form of property or wthever y sewaktu dengannya, but also in term of our internal satisfaction.
3- People die because of many reason. Disease, Old, Cancer, Exsiden, others. So, why we need to die? - Erm... Don't know.....

The main point is, we have our hak to choose which is the best route for us to be taken although the main road is clearly seen. Opinion of others is good, but the decider is us. What eva (Tambi style) we choose, we will never regret the decision if that is really OUR choice.

Ustaz Syafiq giving a kuliah subuh at Bukit Panorama

*The decision is only for the worldly affair, for deen affair is fixed, cannot be chosen.

Hiduplah untuk diri sendiri sometime, 
Hiduplah untuk orang lain sometime, 
Hiduplah untuk Allah everytime.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Aku Siput Babi

Padamu aku apa?
Padamu aku apa?
Padamu aku apa?

Padaku aku siput babi,
Merangkak, merangkak,
Melintas jalan itu,
Jalan yang kamu selalu lalu itu.

Didepanmu aku siput babi,
Kau melihatku,
Kau ambil,
Kau letakku di tepi,
Bukan seberang,
Tepi permulaan.

Aku siput babi,
Aku ada perasaan juga,
Aku dapat rasa.

Aku merangkak lagi,
Melintas sekali lagi,
Bukan lagi untuk ke seberang,
Pantas ku di usik,
Ku tahu, 
Itu kamu.

Kau bawa ku ke titik asal ku,

Aku merangkak lagi,
Terus merangkak,
Melintasi jalan itu,
Terus melintas,
Lagi dan lagi.

siput babi di tepi jalan- Google image
Kau dan Aku

Walaupun aku siput babi, aku juga manusia!!