Sunday, December 30, 2012

Tahun baru- tetap sama

Setahun lagi masa berganjak,
Ya, setahun,
Ada yang merasa setahun ini 10 tahun,
Ada yang merasa setahun ini 1 hari,

Pengalaman setahun ini,
Ada yang suka,
Ada yang duka,

Setahun lagi,
Aku masih lagi aku,
Kamu masih lagi kamu,
Berubah tetap berubah,
Mengikut arus,
Mengikut persekitaran,
Ada yang berubah kepada yang lebih baik,
Ada yang berubah kepada yang lebih teruk,

Tahun depan akan tiba,
Tahun depan akan dihadapi,
Tahun tetap tahun,
365 hari,
Tapi persekitaran tetap berubah,
Tidak mungkin akan sama,
Kau mahu bagaimana?
Kau patut tahu itu.

Awan itu tidak sama,
Sentiasa berubah,
Seperti juga persekitaran kita,
Kita rase sama,
Tapi tidak.
31/ 12/ 2012
Studying Natural Products..
Esok pekse..
2.33 am

Saturday, December 29, 2012

lav 1



Kalaulah aku belajar dari awal,
Kalaulah aku belajar sungguh-sungguh dalam kelas,
Kalaulah aku bertanya apa yang aku tidak faham di dalam kelas,
Kalaulah aku.........

It is worth remembering the past, but never regret it.

Penat study phenolic...



" Jika kita jatuh cinta dengan 2 orang , hendaklah kita memilih orang yang kedua kerana jika kita benar2 cintakan yang pertama , kita tak akan jatuh cinta yang kedua... "

THE ANSWER IS.........

"jika kita mudah jatuh cinta, maknenye kite masih belum sedia untuk bercinta......jika pilh yang kedua, nanti akan ada yang ketiga jika pilih yang ketiga, akan ada yang keempat..."



Jangan mengalah,
Jangan putus asa,
Jangan malas,
Jangan nanti kau kecewa,
Jangan nanti kau berkata kalau,
Jangan nanti kau gagal,
Jangan nanti kau menyesal.

5.33 am, studying NPs..

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Pada suatu hari, Ahmad berjalan jalan di tepi pantai. Cantik sungguh pantai itu. Terpaku Ahmad. Dilihatnya banyak batu-batu berendam di dalam air laut itu. Dicarinya satu batu, batu besar yang boleh dia melabuhkan sauh perjalanannya. Di tepi pantai itu. Tak lama mencari. Dijumpanya. Dilabuhkan punggungnya. Menghayati. Dirasanya dunia ini sungguh indah, menyenangkan, menyegarkan. Dunia ini tidak seperti dunia sebenar; penuh hiruk pikuk, masalah. Tidak mahu dia pulang. Mahu selamanya disini. Dalam berhalusinasi sendiri, satu perasaan menyelinap. Hatinya kosong. Dirasanya sepi. Sendirian. Di tepi pantai ini. Alunan ombak itu benar manyenangkan, tapi ia tidak mampu menghempas, menarik perasaan sepi itu. Dia mahukan peneman. Bukan peneman biasa. Peneman yang menggetar jiwa. Peneman yang setia. Teringat Ahmad akan seorang manusia, berlainan gender: Si Mistri. Dia mahukan Si Mistri, bersama, duduk, diatas batu itu. Menghayati dunia khayalan ini. Dibuka matanya, yang ditutup untuk menghayati, masuk ke dunia khayalan tadi. Kembali ke dunia nyata, dunia sebenar, dunia hiruk pikuk dan masalah. Tak mahu dia lama berkhayal, kerana dua dunia ini berbeza, jauh berbeza. Takut tertipu. Dia bangun. Berjalan kembali, perlahan-lahan kembali ke realiti dunia.

Medical biotech last class

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Hidup biar kuat!!!
Jgn jadi lembu y dicucuk hidung,
Jgn jadi orang biasa,
Jadilah orang luar biasa.

Malukah aku?

Aku malu?
Aku malu?
Aku malu?
Masa laluku...

Bukan salah masa itu,
Bukan salah keadaan itu,
Bukan salah mereka itu,
Bukan juga salah aku!

Kenapa malu?

Perbuatan ku,
Perbuatan ku,
Sikap ku,
Sikap ku,
Masa itu.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Tepian Kasihku

Kukarang puisi ini untuk kau,
Kau seorang,
Ditepian ini,
Kumahu kau,
Kumahu kau disisiku,
Menikmati masa ini,
Di saat ini kau saja ku mahu,
Wahai si gadis mistri.

----------15 dis 2012, di tepian pantai batu hitam, kepadamu si mistri.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


OH... Double disappoinment...
One draw, One lose,
Both play at home,
So, win is must,
But never happen.
Play like a child,
Never like a pro,
With the fucking terrible field,
Yeah, It IS the National Stadium,
Yeah, the National team will play there,
Yeah, thousand comment about the field is flying,
Yeah, never be any improvement,
Yeah, What is the higher ups thinking?
How Shahrul wanna dribble in that field?
How Syafiq that 'IS' very good playmaker want to pass the ball?
Yeah, theres many injuries to the key players,
Yeah, the draw is good thing,
But, why change a defensive midfielder with a striker?
When the team losing the battle in the midfield?
When the team is desperately attacked by the ThaiS?
When the team is holding to the one goal lead?
Do you understand the away goal rules?
They got the goal,
Its like we lose.

This is the turning point,
For a bigger dream,
Yeah, you lose,
Yeah, the record without lose in the league is broken,
Yeah, the record of unbeaten streak in Etihad is broken,
But, there is silver lining from the lose,
There is something changed in the team,
They play like a champions,
Never in the league match before this they play as smooth as this,
Never in this season,
Always in the last season,
Season of the champion,
Yeah, this is the turning point,
Never be look back after this.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Hidup ku begini,
Dahulu begini,
Sekarang begini,
Esok begini,
Sentiasa begini.

Aku tak mahu hidup sendiri,
Aku tak mahu hidup yang begini,
Aku sudah cuba,
Aku memang percaya yang aku mampu berubah,
Aku adalah aku,
Aku memang begitu,
Dan akan kekal begitu.

Selagi aku tidak terjumpa detik itu,
Detik yang mampu merubah hidup ku,
Detik yang keberanian aku tiada tara,\
Detik yang mampu membuka mulutku,
Detik itu,
Tak boleh dicari,
Tak boleh dicuba,
Tak boleh.

Aku harapkan,
Detik itu bakal berlaku,
Aku tak mahu menunggu lagi 10 tahun,
Aku tak mahu menunggu lagi lama,
Aku harapkan detik itu berlaku secepat mungkin,
Supaya sepiku ini berlari,
Supaya sepiku ini meninggalkan diriku,
Supaya aku tidak sepi lagi.

Dengan detik itu aku dan kau akan bersatu,
Hati kita berdegup seiring,
Menjadikan hidup ku tak sepi lagi,
Menjadikan hidup mu tak sepi lagi.

Empang dekat batu 13

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Masa itu orang kata emas,
Maknanya, ia sangat berharga,
Masa yang berlalu,
Takkan kembali,
Masa yang lalu,
Menjadi sejarah,
Kecuaian, Kelalaian, Kegunaan,
Telah terjadi,
Itulah yang terjadi.

Masa itu orang kata emas,
Jangan dicuba untuk diulang,
Jangan dicuba untuk dipatahkan,
Takkan kau berjaya,
Mengalahkan masa.

Masa magrib IM2

Lab Instrumentation- 27 november 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Perjalanan Muhammad Hamzah

    Pada suatu hari, Muhammad Hamzah pergi ke sekolah. Tiba-tiba, beliau terjumpa sebiji bola. Bola itu sudah lusuh, kotor. Dia mengambil bola itu, dibawanya ke pili air ditepi jalan. Dibasuhnya sehingga elok, bersih, berkilat. Lusuhnya masih ada. Kemudian, dia meletakkan bola itu semula di tempat asalnya. Beliau pun meneruskan perjalanan ke sekolah.
     Baru sahaja lima langkah beredar, Muhammad Hamzah terlihat seorang wanita tua mahu melintas jalan. Dilihatnya wanita itu; bertongkat, terbongkok-bongkok. Benar, memang perlahan wanita itu berjalan, sambil memandang kekiri- kekanan mahu melintas. Jalan itu jalan tanah merah. Seingat Muhammad Hamzah, sebulan sekali pun susah kereta melalui jalan itu. Motorsikal ada juga sekali dua melintas dalam seminggu. Dilihat semula wanita tua itu, wanita itu sudah berada di seberang jalan. Tanpa berlengah, Muhammad Hamzah meneruskan perjalanan ke sekolah, membiarkan wanita tua itu dengan perjalanannya sendiri.

     Bukan jauh sekolah Muhammad Hamzah. Dari awal lagi sudah terlihat dari rumah beliau. Dia memandang ke sekolahnya. Tinggi. 4 tingkat. Berasa bangga benar dia dengan sekolahnya; besar, cantik, dan lagi penting pencapaian UPSR nya yang boleh dibanggakan- no 2 dalam daerah. Benar-benar bangga Muhammad Hamzah. Diteruskan perjalanan ke tempat kebanggaannya itu, tempat yang bakal membawanya kepada perjalanan hidup. Perjalanan; sukar atau senang, baik atau jahat, kaya atau miskin.

      Tanpa disedari, tibalah Muhammad Hamzah di depan pintu pagar. Tutup. Dilihatnya jam ditangannya; 9:31 pagi. Muhammad Hamzah pun memulakan satu perjalanan yang baru, pulang kerumah.

Jalan Maran

Kelas Instrumentation- 27 November 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

Your Life is Yours

Life is very short, Everyday, People die, Young or old, No excuses.

Someone said, 'life is only once', The reality is we will live twice, Here and hereafter, The best is life happily both life, The second best is life happily in hereafter, The third best is none. Choose.

Life. Every living person are still living. Poor, Rich, Medium. What is life itself? Wordweb said that the fifth meaning of life is "The period during which something is functional (as between birth and death)".

Are we living? Are we Functioning? Are we zombie? What is the indicator that we are living? Nah.. The answer is- Yes, we are living. Yes, we are still functioning. Yes, our eyes still open, our ear still hear, our nose still can breath, our heart is still dapping.

Yeah!!!!! We live. What for? Why we still alive? If we are alive, why we need to die?

Nah... Another answer for u-
DON'T Questioning too much! It is Allah. Easy simple.
1- We live for Allah.
2- Because of Allah.
3- Die because of Allah.
I am no ustaz or watheber, but it is common sense. As i am no ustaz, no more than this I can write.

Yeah!!!!! We live. What for? Why we still alive? If we are alive, why we need to die?

Nah... Another answer for u-
1-We live for others, other need us, we help others- thus, this human- human interaction will cause the improvement in the our life- let alone the world will become a better place if every human is carrying this philosophy. There will no thief- to be cut off his hand, there will be no zina, rape, buang bayi, corruption, dictatorship, rasuah and others.
2. Because other still needs me. To make a wonderful world, each and every people needs to contribute. Thats why alive is essential. The more people is the best. If you wanna break one pencil, it is easy. But u can try break 20 pencil at the same time. Never can.
3. As explained earlier. Human-human interaction lead to a very nice equation. If one of the people is not in the equation, they simply interruptor. That's to make sure the stability will be achieved, they will died.

Wait te minute! Face the reality!! Humans is different. Their philosophical thinking will never be the same. These type of people really is pathetic. Never live their life for themselves. Life is not as simple as that!!

Yeah!!!!! We live. What for? Why we still alive? If we are alive, why we need to die?

1- We live for ourselves, for our future. Why wanna bother other people if ourselves is bad? We want to make sure others look at us. Hardwork for our better life in future. Our life is ours. We wanna be rich? - we can. We wanna be champion?- we can.
2- To accomplish our goal. Get what we want, want here is not only in the form of property or wthever y sewaktu dengannya, but also in term of our internal satisfaction.
3- People die because of many reason. Disease, Old, Cancer, Exsiden, others. So, why we need to die? - Erm... Don't know.....

The main point is, we have our hak to choose which is the best route for us to be taken although the main road is clearly seen. Opinion of others is good, but the decider is us. What eva (Tambi style) we choose, we will never regret the decision if that is really OUR choice.

Ustaz Syafiq giving a kuliah subuh at Bukit Panorama

*The decision is only for the worldly affair, for deen affair is fixed, cannot be chosen.

Hiduplah untuk diri sendiri sometime, 
Hiduplah untuk orang lain sometime, 
Hiduplah untuk Allah everytime.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Aku Siput Babi

Padamu aku apa?
Padamu aku apa?
Padamu aku apa?

Padaku aku siput babi,
Merangkak, merangkak,
Melintas jalan itu,
Jalan yang kamu selalu lalu itu.

Didepanmu aku siput babi,
Kau melihatku,
Kau ambil,
Kau letakku di tepi,
Bukan seberang,
Tepi permulaan.

Aku siput babi,
Aku ada perasaan juga,
Aku dapat rasa.

Aku merangkak lagi,
Melintas sekali lagi,
Bukan lagi untuk ke seberang,
Pantas ku di usik,
Ku tahu, 
Itu kamu.

Kau bawa ku ke titik asal ku,

Aku merangkak lagi,
Terus merangkak,
Melintasi jalan itu,
Terus melintas,
Lagi dan lagi.

siput babi di tepi jalan- Google image
Kau dan Aku

Walaupun aku siput babi, aku juga manusia!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sakitnya Melepaskan Someone Special

Someone special dosnt mean awek, kekasih, ibu2, bapa2, kawan2. Someone special is in the heart. Although the person never treat u as the special one and you also never treat them as special one.

But its really hurt to give up what really u want. Ask me.

Sakit luka ini x sesakit luka di hati- sumber Google 

special? never in my life after this

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Lets get started with a picture-

crazy's person hidout

Places. Banyak maksud, banyak. Tak perlu sebut maksud nya. Semua sudah tahu. Dari sikecil, kpd si tua.


Orang kata, masing-masing ada tempat sendiri. Tempat ibarat tempe masak pedas yang sedap, dah sedap, mesti la sokmo makan. Tempat pun begitu, tempat sedap, serasi, stail, macho, and semua yang bagi kite rase macam tempe tadi, is the places that we belong.

Everyone have their own places. Dengan tempat, terbawa bersama suasana dan orang2nya. Suasana yang sedap, orang orang yang sedap. Jika jiwa kotor, yang sedap mestilah suasana yang 'kotor', demikian sebaliknya. Begitu juga orang2 nya. Orang sombong x kn sekepala dengan orang humble. Orang gile takkan sekali2 mahu hidup dalam banglo. Orang sihat x perlulah ke doktor, minta ubat.

BUT, sometimes, we not get the place that we want. suasana x tenang. Orang semua gile. Mendap di situ. Bukan sebab apa, kerja disitu, belajar disitu, makan disitu, tidur disitu. Bukan dalam kuasa sendiri.

Rasanya, dalam dunia kite- dari lahir sampai mati- akan ade satu masa yang kite berada di tempat kite, where it is the place that is belong to us. So, treasure that time, sebab dunia ini bukan dalam kawalan kita. Semuanya bersebab.

nak place cmni? in your dream- Google imges

semua sudah ditakdirkan, tempat yang sedap ujian, tempat x sedap pun ujian. Just what is the trial that we will get. Just be cool

Thursday, October 18, 2012

MUrid dan Guru

Salah siapa?

Murid kata, guru salah.
Guru kata, murid bodoh.

Murid kata, guru tak pandai mengajar.
Guru kata, kau yang tak pandai belajar.

Murid kata, guru bercakap perlahan.
Guru kata, aku pandai bercakap.

Murid kata, guru bosan.
Guru kata, aku bukan badut.

Murid kata, guru laju.
Guru kata, aku jalan kaki.

Murid kata, guru punca aku tak mahu belajar.
Guru kata, tak payah lah belajar.

Murid kata, aku wajib belajar.
Guru kata, aku sunatkan kau.

Murid kata, kau bukan tok mudim.
Guru kata, aku guru kau.

Murid kata, guru ajar simple sangat.
Guru kata, kau yang malas.

Murid kata, guru.......

Guru kata, kau sehari baca buku berapa jam?
Guru kata, kau ada buku rujukan?
Guru kata, kau ada salin nota?
Guru kata, kau duduk di depan waktu kelas?
Guru kata, KAU YANG SALAH!!!!!!!!

sumber google

18 Oct 2012
Class Optomerization if not mistaken.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Sengyou Shufu Tantei ~ Watashi wa Shadow

Dont want to talk much, best story, although the theme is ordinary, nothing special. As a japanese drama, it can be expected to have a person grows in the story. In this story, Serina is a housewife who is devoted herself solely to her husband. From a timid housewife, she became a more mature across this story as she became accidently become helper in a detective agency, as the detective in training. The solely mission is of course for her beloved husband, who she really love, love and love. Of course, every men want a wife like her-of course me is a men.

The rating for this drama, 8/10 for me. What make the rate is drop is because the storyline who is very simple. But simple is not a negative one as this type of story is really need a simple story. Another reason is There ARE japanese dramas who is better than this, not to say this is a bad drama, but to say that Japanese dramas is The Best.

The relation of the characters in the drama

18/10/2012- after finishing the drama, not sleep overnight.


Ku mahu kesana,

Ku ingin terbang kepadamu,
Seorang diri,
Di situ,

Ku mahu duduk di kepulanmu, 
Melihat dunia,
Dunia bawah,

Kau lihat diriku,
Ku lihat dirimu,
Kau tinggi,
Tetap tunduk,
Memandang ke bawah,
Melihat diriku,
Semakin mahu aku mendekatimu,

Ini awan
Lab instrument, Selasa, 16 Oct 2012
From the jendela of laboratory,
Sit, Bored, but have a peneman= Awan, cloud.

Bonus sajak=

Aku mahu terbang,
Di kepulan awan,

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Jeri with his rod- looks like a pro
Trip to Peramu. This trip is announce by Haikal (korok) and he with his sedare is conduct the trip. Sedare korok is always go fishing so he know where is the port for fising. Firstly, it is scheduled to be at Ahad (7 oct) to go naik boat for fishing. But it is cancelled and isntead go for a night fishing at jeti peramu.

2-3 days before the trip- there are many conflicts occurs. And then, to make the trip succcesfull, we prepared seriously, not like the trip2 before that is conducted last2 minute. At friday evening, som, jeri and i go to the fishing shop to buy things. New rod, New bekas isi barng2 memancing, the matakail, batu, gewang and everyting that is needed. more than hundred ringgit is flying without wing.

At the time, saturday night, after isyak we go there, at first there is no rain. the place is very suitable to make a drama or movie- it is a small jeti with very good view. Then the trip is interrupted by heavy rain not long after we start baling pancing. the rain is very heavy and lame. until 12.15, the rain is becoming slow, but we made a patch that if we dont get fish before 12.30, we will go back. soo, at 12.30, we back to the hostel, without any fish. till next time.


Pagi ini,
Ku sendiri,
Melayari kehidupan ini,
Tak perlukan sesiapa,
Tak mahukan  sesiapa.

Pagi ini,
Ku sendiri lagi,
Sendiri dan sendiri,
Bukan menyendiri,
Tapi ku hanya bersendiri.

Pagi ini,
Kenapa ku masih sendiri?
Kenapa ku masih sendiri?

Salah akukah?
Salah diakah?
Salah merekakah?
Salah si polan itukah? 
Salah perempuan itukah?
Salah lelaki itukah?

Pagi ini,
Masih sendiri,
Tanpa teman,
Tanpa kekasih,
Tanpa siapa,
Pengubat hati,
Pengubat rindu,
Pengubat sepi,
Semuanya jauh sekali,
Di pagi ini.

5.35 am,
Oct 15, 2012
After Lab Black Pepper Discussion completed.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Lose it, doomed.
Lose it bored.
Lose it, lost.

Ku Masih Ingat

Ku masih ingat lagi,
Saat itu,
Masa itu, 
Kau masih disitu.

Saat akhir kau,
Perjalanan akhir kau,
Perjalanan terakhir,
Sebelum terdampar di situ,

Tiada lagi kata-kata,
Tiada lagi,
Yang ada hanyalah erangan-zikrullah,
Bukan erangan gembira,
Erangan kesakitan,

Rabu itu,
Rabu terakhir,
Rabu itu perjalanan terakhir,
Rabu itu pergerakan terakhir,
Rabu itu.

Masih ki ingat lagi,
Ingat, ingat dan ingat.

1 Oktober 2012.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Sapa kata?


First class Tuesday, Instrumentation, 18 Sept 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ku Tahu

Ku tahu,
apa y terlihat,
tidak berlaku.

Semua terpaku,

Ada y memegang dagu seperti faham.
Ada y kelihatan menyalin nota.

Jika dilihat luaran,
100%, semua diam,
menumpukan perhatian, 
kecuali aku.

Suatu suara pun tidak kedengaran,
seperti malam gelap,
pengajar gembira.

ku tahu,
ini kelas pertama, 
semangat semua membara,
fokus tiada tara,
fokus tanpa paham tiada guna,
fokus tanpa jiwa tiada guna.

Tak paham buat- buatlah paham,
memang aku tidak paham,
banyak aku tidak paham,

Ku tahu.


First class, Instrumentation, Tuesday, 18 Oct 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

TuHAn Ta MENcipteKN seSEoRG Uw HodoH...tP TuhAN MEnciPTeKN SEseOrg UW berBEZe KCAntiKaN...

"TuHAn Ta MENcipteKN seSEoRG Uw HodoH...tP TuhAN MEnciPTeKN SEseOrg UW berBEZe KCAntiKaN... " Farhana Ana

A very beatiful statement. Is is right or wrong? There is 2 statement above, that is=
1- Allah does not create someone ugly.
2- Allah does create someone with different beautifulness.

Both statement is really correct. There is no wrong with both statement except for wrong grammar and spelling,but thats only if they stands alone. Why????

Okay firstly we look at the structure of the sentence, "Allah does not create someone ugly, BUT Allah does create someone with different beautifulness". To combine these sentences, BUT is used.

But is often used to combine 2 sentences, okay, that is right, but But is used to combine two contradic sentense, to make reason for the first. Example=
1- Ali likes to play football
2-Ali do not know the rule of football
COnclusion- Ali likes to play football but he do not know the rule.

In our case,
Allah does not create someone ugly = Allah does create someone with different beautifulness

Why? because, if there is different beautifulness, it is a must there is people who is less beautiful. People who is less beautiful is what??? UGLY r... Thats all.

Thats is my first opinion about the statement, but actually, owner think differently for her statement. She says that, person who is not beautifull in face, heve their beauty in other aspect, such as akhlak, or manners.

"dy kurg cntik at wajah jer....tpy dy cntk akhlak...."

Thats more meaningfull but in term of sentence, it is clearly wrong. Because what u will say to a person who is have both is less beautiful??? HODOH la.... just playing with words.

Less beautiful= ugly

mut- not says that there are people created by Allah is ugly, just want to prove the sentence only is wrong. nothing else.

Friday, August 3, 2012


 Which heart is in your body?

SOMEONE SAID, "pernikahan bukannya trial and error. Pernikahan bukannya ujian amali atau ujian praktikal".    Before i talk about marriage lets sort out about heart. What is heart actuallY?? is it the gross thing at the top picture above? or it is a sweeet  as the below picture. REd, Sexy, hot. when we talk about heart, which heart will pop up in your mind? if the top picture is this.. you are okay... but if the picture is the below picture.. surely, there is something in you. Either mad, crazy, or sick. Okay, firstly, the okay person who is okay. For them, the heart is an organ who can move by itself, (not mention la it move bacause Allah is moving them, if He want to stop it, whatever we do, it will stop, coz He is the most powerful) neither we told or not. It is a very great organ. can 'berdikari' although when in the womb. So shame la we to Heart, Heart can doing things that they is programed to do, why we human (act as khalifah in the earth) cannot??? Some time, our friend ask us to help them for a small matter we not help, lecturer ask us to do homework, we never done. So not like Heart.

Okay, now about the 'crazy person'. for them hear is always this, never others. This person live in their imaginary life, never in real life. If you said that Coplues  Couples is always in this state, you are right and you are wrong. They really are living in their imaginary live, and their imaginary live is the same as their real life. So, this type of people is not dangerous, never trouble people. So who is the most crazier????? Of course la the single person, but sees heart as the imaginary red hot sexy blob, not an ugly one. Whatehfas???  Is there someone like that??? Believe or not, I bet this is the most people categorized as, especially Malay. Why Malay??? THIS STORY IS NOT ABOUT MALAY BAI....  gI MAMPOS  Malays, from my view is have a very rare personality= pessimist. Never say they are good, never believe in themselves, never have confidence in their personality, always look for others if want to make up dreess, FUCC . so what? they never get couple, they only can imagine, live in imaginary life, love for the is too far yet too easy to get in their dream. Is it dangerous??? bahaye r wwei.... coz what?? Coz their imagination you will never want to get involved. They imagine alone, imagine what? Imagine someone thay they have crush with, that is the woman or man who they like. Are you afford to imagine that your picture is in his laptop, hanset, or the hard copy itself. They want to sleep, they look at your photo first, when angry they look at the photo, when..., when... when.... they will look at the photo. Why? Coz they sometime cannot afford to look at their crush face. coward malay  so shy with their appearance and 10001 alasan. 

THe first heart is cool, straighforward. Gi mampos la aku x hensem, gi mampos r aku x lawa, janji aku suke die, aku told them i Like u, if i love her, i told them i love u. So whatever girl who get tetibe je someone said to you I like you, please dont mengelabah anjing. He is only like you, LIKE!!!! Not in love, but they will go to love in further time. So which heart belong to you??????

birthday jeri, hepi birthday!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

MOM, i love u

“Menumpang di segenap ruang..
Yang ada di lubuk perkasihan..
Begitu indah setiap detik di dalam rahimmu..
Sehingga teramat asyik..
Setiap saat di pangkuanmu
Keperitan itu kau rasa indah demi anakmu…

Setitis airmnata ibu..
Yang gugur kerana kesedihan..
Segaris luka di hati ibu kerna kederhakaan..
Tertutup pintu syurga..
Jika tiada keampunannya..
Azimat ini ku tanam di lubuk hati yang dalam..”


Kehadapan mama yang terlalu disayangi & dirindui..
Mama tentu dah tahu kenape adik taip surat nie…

Sekarang dah lebih pukul 12 tgh malam…
Maksudnye..dah masuk 16hb 8…
Arini ari lahir mama kan??…..
Ari lahir mama sebulan selepas ari lahir walid..
Mama ingat kan??
Adik rindu mama…
Adik akan sentiase ingat tarikh nie..
Dah 14 tahun mama tinggalkan adik…
Mase tue umur adik baru 5 tahun..
Adik tak tau ape2 pun time tue..
Yang  adik ingat..mama jatuh depan adik..
Malam tue jgk kite balik kg..
Esoknye adik tgk mama dah dalam serbe putih..
Mase tue adik takut nak dekat dengan mama..
Adik nangis..
Dieorang bawak adik kuar dari bilik tue..
Adik tak cium pun mama for the last time…
Adik teman mama gi tanah perkuburan..
Tentu mama nampak adik..
Tapi time tue pun adik tak gi dekat dengan mama..
Adik dudiuk kat luar pagar je..
Adik dapat jumpe mama setahun sekali je..
Adik dapat bersihkan pusara mama pun setahun sekali je..
Terukkan adik???
Maafkan adik mama…maafkan adik..
Adik tak puas manje dengan mama..
Adik nak tidur atas riba mama..
Adik nak mama usap kepale adik..
Adik nak mama cium pipi adik & dahi adik..
Adik nak mama selalu tanya khabar adik kat sini..
Adik nak setiap kali adik balik rumah,
Adik dah nampak mama sambut adik depan pintu..
Adik dapat peluk mama..
Adik dapat rasa makanan kegemaran adik yang mama masak..
Adik dapat tidur dengan mama macam kawan2 adik dapat buat,,
Tapi...adik tau..tue semua akan jadi kenyataan dalam mimpi adik je..
Mama…adik nak ikut mama..
Nak jumpe mama…
Maafkan adik sebab tak dapat jadi anak mama yg baik..
Adik degil..
Adik tak dengar kate walid..
Adik nakal..
Adik tak dapat jadi contoh yang baik dalam keluarge kite…
Kadang2 adik lupe nak bantu mama kat sana..
Maafkan adik….maafkan adik..
Banyak kelemahan adik mama…banyak..
Adik sayang mama….
Sayangggggg sangat…
..mama tengah tunggu adik kat ‘sane’ kan??
Mama tunggu adik ea..
Nanti kite jumpe tau..
Mase tue..adik nak mama sentiase pegang tangan adik..
Mama jangan lepas tangan adik tau…
Jangan lepas tau mama…
Adik tak leh berhenti nangis nie…
Adik tahu mama tengah ‘sakit’ kat sane..
Maafkan adik…
Adik dah cube kawal air mate nie dari keluar..
Tapi tak dapat…
Die nak keluar jugak…
Adik tak berniat nak wat mama ‘sakit’..
Airmate..berhenti r keluar….
Mama tengah ‘sakit’ tue…
Berhenti r………….

                                                          Yang terlalu merinduimu…


Friday, July 13, 2012

Merindui Masa Lalu

Past is the past, now is the real thing. That is my falsafah/ philosophy. But the past gives experience. Dikala ini, ku merindui masa lalu ku. Bersama teman2 yang sangat sporting and the best. Although I think I dont deserved it. Masa sekolah y sangat biasa, tanpa pengalaman2 y menarik, tanpa kenangan2 y menarik, tanpa kehidupan y menarik, but all of you give me the strength to become myself. Although I am not a talkative sangat person, nothing to offer to you guys, but they make me wanted. Nazrin, Is, Bob, Syafiq. I really miss u. The memories we always coming back late from prep, at the late night, memories of our taking pictures by using Nazrin's camera, I really miss them. Hope get to be together again sometime....... Although it seems unlikely coz I am only a small something in this world.
Nazrin, Bob, Is and Syafiq--- really miss all of you

Still remember this time where Nazrin is forcing me to be taken picture with  them
because I always only become the person who take the picture only 


Friday, July 6, 2012

Transgenic Rubber Tree

Genetic Engineering
            The advancement of technology in genetic engineering can make almost anything impossible before become possible. One of the easiest examples is glow in the dark pig. If we live 15 years ago, especially for me that living in village, if one person says that he saw a pig that is glowing, everyone will laugh him of and say the person is crazy. But with genetic engineering technology, everything can change.
            As mentioned earlier, I am a village boy. I used to become a rubber tapper. Every day, rubber tapper will go out to tap the latex from the tree. There are many problem that the rubber tapper facing when tapping the latex. The example of the problems is they cannot tap the rubber tree if it is raining, some rubber tree does not give out latex, there is a period when the latex that is produced by the tree is only a little, and many more. So, is genetic engineering can help the rubber tapper to overcome their problems?

Transgenic Rubber Tree
Rubber tree is a tree that can produce latex or natural rubber that is very important nowadays and our country, Malaysia is the world’s third largest producer of natural rubber. The species of the rubber tree that is planted and tapped in Malaysia is from species Hevea brasiliensis. Apart from the latex, its timber also is very important especially in furniture industry.
The demand of the natural rubber is increasing for every year. So, to make sure that the production of the natural rubber is up to the demand, scientists are trying to produce the rubber trees that have improved characteristics such as disease resistance and high latex yield. There are two main criteria for the transgenic rubber tree that is tried to be created that is to improve rubber tree production and production of commercially valuable protein.
Firstly is about the rubber tree production. The scientist in Malaysia tried to increase the production of rubber tree by researching about the genes that is related to the biosynthesis of rubber and girth increment of the tree. In India, they have developed genetically modified rubber plans by utilizing the enzyme MnSDD. These plants is expected to overcome the adverse effect of global warming and climate change, especially prolonged drought and tapping panel dryness (brownbast). The climate change lead to dry period become longer and the moisture level is lower in India. This condition make the production of natural rubber is low, so, with these new varieties of rubber tree, the production of natural rubber can be increased.  These rubber trees are incorporated with the target gene (MnSOD) from rubber itself. 

Secondly, genetically modified rubber tree is created to produce commercially valuable protein. Can we imagine the latex of the rubber tree producing insulin to be used by human? That is what Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia (RRIM) tried to do. They try to incorporate certain gene to the rubber tree so that the rubber tree can produce the desired protein. They have successfully inserted and expressed reporter gene known as gus gene to the rubber tree and the transgenic rubber tree produced the functional GUS protein in its latex. Then, Malaysian Rubber Board (MRB) inserted an antibody gene against coat protein of an oral dental bacterium in rubber plants. The functional antibody was also expressed in the latex serum. A human gene (human serum albumin cDNA) also have been inserted to the rubber plant’s genome and successfully expressed in the latex serum of the plant. With the success of the expression of that genes, scientist now trying to investigate human insulin gene and human atrial natriuretic factor gene for the insertion and expression of the protein in the latex of the transgenic rubber. If the research is success, then we can make insulin and other important protein that is needed in medical field in large amount.

In conclusion, the rubber tappers in Malaysia do not need to worry with their rubber tree. The advancement of genetic engineering technology can help them increasing the latex production, disease resistance, and if they lucky, they will get much more profit if the research to produce protein that is needed in medical field successful. But, that is only if the governments approve these transgenic rubber trees to be planted commercially.

The Issues about Transgenic Rubber Tree
            Every genetically modified organism has their own issues, that’s including transgenic rubber tree. The main issues that I will bring here is the safety. Everyone wants to live in safe places; do not want to live in dangerous place. So, the issue here is it is really safe if we approve these transgenic rubber trees to be planted commercially?
            Safety here have two meaning; to us, human or to the environment. Firstly is the safety to the human itself. As we all know, human do not eat rubber tree product such as its leaves, latex, root, and every part of it. It is not like the others popular transgenic plants such as tomato, soy beans, and others that we eat them. Although there is also worries about the consumption of the protein produce by the transgenic rubber tree, we should not worry enough as the protein need to be highly purified and the DNA elements would not presented to the consumers. So, we do not need to worry about our health if the plantations of transgenic rubber trees are approved.
            Secondly is about the safety of the environment. That is the major concern for the environmentalist that afraid the introduction of these new transgenic rubber tree can effect the environment, destroy the normal rubber tree, will create danger or new disease to the rubber tree if they cross pollinate with normal rubber tree. The reproduction of the rubber tree also cannot be controlled as they can spread their seed far away. This will make it is hard to destroy this plant if the negative impact of the transgenic plant is rises. There is also concern about the leaves of the transgenic rubber tree that is eaten by the worm or birds will affect them either genetically or physically. This will lead to a disastrous events to the environment, thus also will affecting human directly or indirectly.
            So, for now, there is no one country that is approving the commercialization of transgenic rubber plant either India or Malaysia.

Assignment biotech, law, ethics. Mut, sem 2, year 11/12


Everyone needs the best for their child. As a parent, we must want our child treated warmly, responsibly and in good manner. For Malays, child is like a jewel, it is very valuable. As the eras is changing, the role of parents also changing. Before this, the role of parents is to give guidance to the child from small babies until they become adult. However, in this globalization era, almost every young parents work to get money. So, what happen to their child? Who will take over the role of these young parents as the teacher to their child?
            There are many solutions to the questions above. In Malaysia, there are many childcares that are always ready to take in these children. These childcares are often built in the urban area. So, the young parents that live in the urban area can place their children in these childcares. What about in the rural area? Where the parents need to place their child when they going to work? The answer is “Pengasuh”. “Pengasuh” is a Malay word that means someone that take care of the child when the parents going to work in the house of the “Pengasuh”. “Pengasuh” is often an old or middle age housewife that is lonely or want to get the side income by become a “Pengasuh”. So, are these two ways is good or bad? Is the system that is implement by the government is correct?
            Firstly is about the childcares. There are many problems that were happened in this place. We can get the news from newspaper and television about the children that is abused in this place. There are also many childcares that do not have appropriate license to care for the child. Some of the childcare does not have enough nannies that care for the child, compared to the child there. Another problem is the mixtures of the child in early age such as newborn baby with the child that is elder such as 2 and 3 years. These years are not suitable to mix them as the method to care them is not the same. Actually, there are many more problems that happen in childcare apart from the examples stated above.
            Second is about “Pengasuh”. As stated earlier, “Pengasuh” is often a housewife that wants to get side income by caring the child. The problem that usually happened in the “Pengasuh”’s house is they not care enough for the child. Some “Pengasuh” will let the child alone without care in their house. It is very dangerous if the child goes out from the house and goes to the road for example. Another problem that can get from “Pengasuh” is the children do not learn anything there, in term of education especially. They do not have any syllabus of learning, so the child will only get the knowledge from what is thought by its “Pengasuh” only.
            Despite the negatives, there are also the positives that a child can get in the childcare. Some good childcares have their own method to develop the child, mentally and physically. They have the syllabus for learning that is appropriate to the age of the child. The children that go to these childcares also can develop their soft skill by interacting with others early. Although there is many benefits that can a child get in childcares, care from their parents itself is much more important to implement the basic that we want in our child such as in religious manner.
            Something that have its negativity, always have its good side. This also applicable to the child that is sent to “Pengasuh”. Usually here, the “Pengasuh” only take one child only to take care. So, if they care the child properly, it will give many benefits to the child. The child will get more love and attention so that they will develop more naturally. Plus, the “Pengasuh” is usually an housewife that is middle in age, so, the children will get more love and they is like the mother to the child.
            In conclusion, the childcare in Malaysia really needs improvements. For governments, they should become stricter in the assessment of the childcare to get the license. The inspection should be doing time to time to make sure the childcare does not break the rule that should be produced. For parents, although you do not have too much time with your child, make sure that the small time that you have with them is a quality time.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Manchester City player review> Defenders, first team back four

Defenders. This place is the thinniest part in our squad. The worriying place is at the heart of the defence, despite 2 best defenders in the league that we posses in the form of Vincent Kompany and Joleon Lescot who is becoming world class when partnered with Kompany, the backup defenders is maybe needs more experience and more qualities. First, we list the First team back four, Second team followed by the backups and reserve.


Okay, firstly is our Left back. The first choice is Gael Clichy. Gael Clichy is more well known about his darting run to support the winger. Always an attacking  treat when overlapping. His defensive work is for me not consistent enough. Although he lack in defence, but he manage to cover that with his pace. He is a modern full back. His control of the ball is very good. He also can dribble and with pace that he got, he is a treat to the opposition right back. His Crossing is also Very good. For me, his position in Mancini squad next season is not in danger although Kolarov can really give challenge to him. His performance Last season manage him to push down Patrice Evra in France squad in EURO after first match in the group stage.
Our left centre back is not others than Joleon Lescott. He is become a revelation especially in last season. Nobody expect him to perform this well. At 30, he is on top form. Before this, he always make mistake, not really comfortable with the ball, the heavy touch, but in last season, he looks more assured with the ball. As he look comfortable with the ball, his passing become more safe and his height is a real asset for him. He and Vincent Kompany is really the best pair of center back in the league last season. The performance make him become the first choice centre back for England, and he is really one of the best performer for England. Although he and Kompany is the best pair, he shows the weakness without 'monster' Kompany. If paired with Kolo Toure or Savic, he not the best like when he plays beside Kompany. Despite the best partnership with Kompany, his place next season is in jeopardy. It is because the place that Manchester city lack last season is defenders. With kolo Toure's leg is ageing, and Savic who have potential but not have enough experience, Manchester City really need new defender atleast one and they will never search for second fiddle, Mancini must tried to get a world class defender to partnered with Kompany. Names such as Thiago Silva really make the mouth watered. So, my prediction next season, Lescott will become a very good backup for Kompany and his new partner.

RIGHT CENTRE BACK, who else if not our beloved captain, monsterous at the back, VINCENT KOMPANY. Lst season, he plays magnificinently. Although he is only a center back, he is really among the top three player is EPL last season. This is not from the view of Manchester City fans only, everybody acknowledge his performance. Without him, we will not get the trophy that we yearn for years. Almost no strikers who can pass him in one on one situation, no strikers who want to make strength battle with him. He is all rounder. His interception is the best, his tackling is superb, his passing is wonderfull, his header is dangerous, his leadership is excellent, his pace is very good and his determination to win is the cannot be compared, He is really the best centre back in EPL. Next season, we will see him again in Blue Sky jersy and the captain strip is at his hand, nobody can touch him.

RIGHT BACK. This is the place where Mancini get headaches. Why? Two best right back is in the squad in the shape of Micah Richard and Pablo Zabaleta. Who is the best among them? Both have their own quality. Last season shows that Micah is more preferred than Zabaleta especially at the first half of the season before injury struck him. This season shows his best ability as right back. First half of the season, it is hardly can be seen a right back in EPL better than Richard. His attacking ability  is a real treat becuase of powerful running that he has. He is not the best on the ball, but because of his physical presence, typical powerful run to the enemy territory really dangerous. This season also, we can see that his crossing is improved, although not good as Zabaleta. Although he give attacking treat, he is not a person who can harm enemy's goal by his shooting unlike Zabaleta who has ability to shoot. At back, he is another monstrous presence, with his physical and pace. Although sometime he lapse concentration, he will be much better next year. As vice captain, he really will improve next year. Next season, we can see him in starting line up again. His place is assured, but he must maintain his form, Zabaleta is always there to push him down.

Mancini shoud bring one world class centre back. Then, City will never be challanged next year.

Next, second team defenders and reserves.........